Thursday, September 27, 2007

More Photos of the Kids! They turned out really great!

Pictures of kids 2007. We took pics of all the kids a few weeks ago. It was a very long couple of hours as you can tell from some of the shots!

Outlaws and Saloon Girls

We had these pictures taken at Pioneer Village in Lagoon this summer. The kids had a blast and it was fun to dress up. We hadn't done one of these pictures since before Caden was born!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Got this from Trista's blog (I stole it really) but it was fun so I added it to my page. Feel free to copy/paste it to your own. It could be fun!

1. Who is your man? Jacob White (JW)
2. How long have you been together? 16 years on October 25 (that's the day of our first date)
3. Dating/Engaged/Married? Married for 13 years!
4. How old is your man? 32

You or your man?
1. Who eats more? Probably a tie, depends on the meal.
2. Who said “I love you” first? Jake
3. Who weighs more? Jake, he better always weigh more than I do!
4. Who sings better? Well, of course I do! Actually niether one of us is great, but at least I know the words, and I'm not afraid to be heard!
5. Who’s Older? Jake forever and ever (I will never be older than 28, remember?) :)
6. Who’s smarter? I think I am, and he thinks he is...So, who knows? I'm sure it depends on the topic. (but really, I'm sure I'm the smarter one)
7. Who’s temper is worse? Is this a trick question? LOL!...Totally me! I am a case to be sure!
8. Who does the laundry? We both do, it's always half done though because it's a never ending job!
9. Who does the dishes? Again, we both do. We run on different schedules a lot so whoever gets to it first.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Hmm, if you're standing at the foot of the bed I guess technicaly I do...but more towards the middle and a little to the left. Jake sort of hangs off the edge! ;)
11. Whose feet are bigger? Jake's
12. Whose hair is longer? Definitely mine! Yea! I've been growing it out and it is just passed my shoulders now!
13. Who’s better with the computer? I am, and that is pathetic because I'm not even that good
14. Who mows the lawn? Jake and/or Coleton.
15. Who pays the bills? I do, and it always makes me cranky...but I like the power so I continue to claim the chore as mine. Jake is not allowed to help because I do have a method to my madness and he's not supposed to mess with or criticize it!
16. Who cooks dinner? Seriously? Me! I guess if we didn't mind everyday we could let Jake cook! I think I can count the meals he can cook on one hand!
17. Who drives when you are together? Usually Jake. It frees my hands for talking and swatting at the kids in the back seat!
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Jake. He still treats me like he is courting me...what a Man!
19. Who’s the most stubborn? Not me, not me, not me! I am not stubborn! (Answer your question?)
20. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? We're equal on this one. I have really worked on this over the years. It's hard for me to admit...but it does happen. Rarely though because I'm hardly ever wrong...refer to question #6.
21. Whose parents do you see more? Abosolutely mine.
22. Who kissed who first? He kissed me, and I was asking for it! He was hot, had a camero, and was an older man! Need I say more!
23. Who asked who out? That's a hard one. We just sort of "were". We count Oct. 25 as our first date, but it was my 15th b-day party so it's wasn't really a "date". Once we found each other we were just always together!
24. What did you do? We went to a haunted house (quite the story, ask me about it one day!)
25. Who’s more sensitive? Me, and on sooo many levels...I can be a little dramatic!
26. Who’s taller? Jake by 4 inches
27. Who has more friends? That would be me.
28. Who is more active? I go to the gym more, but Jake plays more...So, I don't know.
29. Who has more siblings? Jake is an only child and I have two brothers and a sister
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I do, but I let him think he does...sometimes.

Ok, now it is your turn. You know what to do!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Here are my favorite pictures of Cassie. I know I'm completely biased but she is the most beautiful girl in the universe!

Coleton doing homework, cleaning, and being really cool in his soccer uniform -What a cutie!

So I noticed I didn't have many pictures of Coleton on here so here are a few fun ones. He is giving us a glimpse of what life will be like in the next couple of years...with Teenagers! He really is a good kid, but it's a whole new ball game now! He hates to: clean, do homework, be wrong about something, have any knid of affection shown (how embarrasing), and he does NOT like to be told what to do, how to do it, and/or when to do it!!! It's fun to watch him progress in life and to mature into a young man. He will always be my little Cokey Pokey though! -He would die if he knew I just typed that!- (I'm so mean) ;) I love to be the Mom that gets to bug her kids because there is nothing they can do about it, ha ha! He know's I love him!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Cassie's fav dance outfit...she is such a girl! She takes ballroom dance and absolutely loves it!