Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What's Up Wednesday

Thursday- It rained and rained! Caden's t-ball game was cancelled and so were the team photos. He was really bummed and a little ticked off. He still wore his uniform and cleats and that made him feel a little bit better. *He is so darn cute!*
-I had to work all day -I do love my job though, it totally rocks
-Cassie had her last day of dance

Friday- Let's just say that I was DONE! I was on the verge of a major freak-out and it was either beat the children senseless or ditch em at their cousins! I know you Moms can relate...sometimes you're just DONE! I love my children and I love being a Mom but sometimes I just need a time out. Coleton went to my parents and Cass and Cade went to my brothers. Jake had to work late which was fine with me. I wanted to be ALONE! I had the absolute best time! I saw two movies all by myself, I took a steaming hot bubble bath with scented candles burning, I read a raunchy romance novel in a QUIET house and loved every minute of it! The best part was the one was screaming, or banging on the bathroom door. No one was begging to "just put their feet in the water", or asking, "Can I just see if this Lego ship can float?" I didn't have half the kids in the neighborhood running in and out of my house and driving me was an awesome day!

Saturday- Jake and I woke up to a blissfully quiet house and had a peaceful breakfast then went to a matinee movie. We picked up the kids and had a great day of yard work, playing, and house cleaning. Really, it was a great day. I was a new woman!

Sunday- My whole family met at my parents for breakfast and a tour through our families history and then we headed off to the cemeteries. It was fun and I learned some new stories and recalled some neat memories. When we were done with my side of the family we drove to Ogden to visit with Jake's grandma and to see his dad's and grandparents graves. It's always hard for Jake to go to his Dads and I don't know if it will ever get any easier. We did have a nice time with his grandma though and she loved seeing the kids.

Monday- Jake went golfing in the morning and afterwards we went to my parents (again) and had a barbecue. We tend to spend a awful lot of time with our extended family! It rained like crazy but fun was had by all and it was the perfect ending to a perfect weekend.

Tuesday- I worked all morning.
-Cassie had a field trip to Timpanogos Cave with her fourth grade class. She had a blast and is still talking about how neat the cave was. She is really sore from the hike though and is complaining about her muscles hurting. She said that almost everyone in her class could hardly move today! Too funny!
-Coleton had a field trip too with his science class. They went on a geo-caching type hunt...they had to find hidden objects using several different technologies/techniques. His group set new time records and he is feeling very hot-to-trot about it! Yea Coleton!

Wednesday (today)-I worked all morning again.
-Cade went to daycare for the very last time EVER! He is way excited and so is my checkbook!
-Tomorrow is the last full day of school this year!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Crazy Weather

This has been the craziest spring season ever! Record highs, record lows, sun, snow, wind, rain...sometimes all in the same day! Do I wear my flip-flops or snow boots!? Tank-tops or sweaters!? One day we are working and playing out in the yard getting sunburned and the next day we are sipping hot chocolate snuggled in blankets on the sofa! I'm so confused!

It is just so mean to tease us with the sun and dangle summer right in front of us, but always just out of reach. It seems as if Spring is having a super dramatic temper tantrum! Well, I say let's just skip right over Spring and her nasty little attitude and jump into Summer! I mean, I'm not shaving my legs and getting pedicures for nothing! I want to wear shorts and sandals! Come on Mother Nature...Get it under control and bring on the warm weather!