It's official, school is back in session!
I can't believe how fast the summer zipped by! We had a lot of fun spending almost every weekend up at the cabin. We also got to go to Lagoon twice this summer! We went last month and then just this last Saturday. The kids had a blast and so did Jake and I. We had many many late nights with friends and a few sleepovers. Lots of game nights and dinner parties. We roasted hot dogs and made s'mores galore with our backyard fire pit. It was fun to have the Day Family come and stay with us, and we can't wait until we can go and visit them at their house. I do have to say that we absolutely loved going swimming almost every week at Grandma and Grandpas pool! It is the perfect way to cool off on a hot summer day. The kids loved having Grandpa tend them every Tuesday while I went to work. He spoiled them completely and they will miss their "Grandpa" day.

All my kids are in school all day long this year. Coleton is in 8th, Cassie 5th, and Caden 1st.

The house and neighborhood is eerily quiet. There are no kids laughing and yelling. My doorbell hasn't been rung once by some little friend wanting to play with one of the kids. There isn't the sound of cartoons or arguing or someone rustling through the fridge or pantry...hmmm. I think I could like this!
Alone. Quiet. Sanity Returneth.
My college classes start on Wednesday and I'm looking forward to going back. I actually enjoy going to school. I get a kick out of stretching my brain.
So here's to another fabulous school year, and a few hours of alone time! Good luck everyone and Best Wishes!