Oh my, what a month! Coleton is doing great in 8th grade and was sooo excited to realize how much he had grown over the summer! He is now level with most everyone and definitely taller than the 7th graders. He blushingly admits that he is super happy to be taller than most of the girls in his grade, "you know, for dances and stuff." So a big Hoorah for growth spurts! He is enjoying soccer, scouts, and helping to build the cabin. Coleton is getting very good at piano and is in the Symphonic band (clarinet) at school. He basicaly rocks as far as 13 year olds go.
Cassie and Caden are enrolled in a fantastic charter school now! This is their first week there and we are already loving it! More has been done to help them with their specific needs in two days then in the entire time they attended the "normal" school. Both kids are being taught math and reading on the skill level that they tested into and are no longer being herded through lessons with the masses. Hallelujah! Cassie actually likes sceince now! I'm hoping for a great year for the two of them and that it continues to be a good fit. They are both taking gymnastics and piano and are loving life! Good times!
Jake is the same-o-same-o. Work, Golf, Cabin...
He has started running and is hoping to do some form of marathon next year! He is so inspirational! I might even consider joining him! -NOT! :) Kudos to him and his sneakers...as for me and mine? Well, we like to walk and smell the roses.
I am up to my eyebrows in school. I love to learn but I hate to study. My classes are going well though and I'm glad I went back. We have a pretty tight schedule these days and I swear my life is run by the clock and the freeway. My poor Mom Mobile is puting on the miles! And gas prices are breaking the bank.
Do you realize that I have to fill up completely every 4-5 days?! And if we go up to the cabin (as we do most every weekend) then that is an additional half a tank?! Geesh! I'm gonna need a second job to pay for fuel!
-K, vent over- I feel better now that I got that out of my system. I sort of feel like I live half in and half out of the car. But, I do secretly love my minivan...shhhh...don't tell...but, seriously it rocks. Openly though I will continue to make fun of it because I swore I would never have one. (For those who don't know, this is my third mini. so it's kind of funny)
Anyway, I just wanted to update all my avid fans on what's been happening this last month. Here is a pic of the cabin so you can see the progress and be green with jealousy because it is so wicked cool! (Updated October 1, 2008) This pic was taken from the road looking down onto the west and south sides of the cabin. It looks so awesome now! We are very excited about it! As you can see the roof is about to be finished! The hvac guys and plumbers are working to get their stuff done too. Lots happening...Yay!
Cassie and Caden are enrolled in a fantastic charter school now! This is their first week there and we are already loving it! More has been done to help them with their specific needs in two days then in the entire time they attended the "normal" school. Both kids are being taught math and reading on the skill level that they tested into and are no longer being herded through lessons with the masses. Hallelujah! Cassie actually likes sceince now! I'm hoping for a great year for the two of them and that it continues to be a good fit. They are both taking gymnastics and piano and are loving life! Good times!
Jake is the same-o-same-o. Work, Golf, Cabin...
He has started running and is hoping to do some form of marathon next year! He is so inspirational! I might even consider joining him! -NOT! :) Kudos to him and his sneakers...as for me and mine? Well, we like to walk and smell the roses.
I am up to my eyebrows in school. I love to learn but I hate to study. My classes are going well though and I'm glad I went back. We have a pretty tight schedule these days and I swear my life is run by the clock and the freeway. My poor Mom Mobile is puting on the miles! And gas prices are breaking the bank.

Anyway, I just wanted to update all my avid fans on what's been happening this last month. Here is a pic of the cabin so you can see the progress and be green with jealousy because it is so wicked cool! (Updated October 1, 2008) This pic was taken from the road looking down onto the west and south sides of the cabin. It looks so awesome now! We are very excited about it! As you can see the roof is about to be finished! The hvac guys and plumbers are working to get their stuff done too. Lots happening...Yay!