Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Ok, Jodi tagged me so here goes...

1. I am a morning person. I love to get up early and start my day before the sun comes up. I sometimes have a hard time getting out of bed, but once I do I love it! Usually I can jump right up as soon as the alarm goes off (opposite of Jake who has to set his clock 30 minutes fast and then still hit snooze 500 times before he rolls out of bed). There is just something so soothing about the calm quiet of the morning. Before everything gets crazy and there are people everywhere doing everything...I hate chaos.

2. I hate chaos. I cannot stand it when there is no order or civility. I don't mind busy, I just don't like hectic. Chuck-E-Cheese drives me batty and Walmart/Costco on a Saturday makes me want to scream! I cringe at the thought of kids birthday parties, The Energy Solutions Arena after a Jazz game, school fieldtrips, pretty much anything that involves lots of people being noisy and moving around. I'm not afraid of these events or people; It's just that nothing is being productive or efficient and there has got to be an easier, quieter way. I just go a little crazy because I can't hear myself think, can't get a complete thought in my head, and basically I want to yell at everybody to chill the heck out and to calm down. Whew! I'm getting anxious just thinking about it!

3. I play with my hair. Yes, I am that annoying person who wraps their hair around and around their finger...over and over again. Sometimes (most times) if I can get it to form just the absolute perfect knot I will break it. It has the most satisfying "snap" to it! I have done this since I was a little girl and have tons of little broken fly-away hairs to prove it! I mostly play with my hair when I am thinking or watching tv, or just plain bored. It drives Jake crazy! At least I don't suck my thumb anymore! (I stopped in kindergarten)

4. I like things with their labels forward. My pantry is obnoxious. Every can has to be biggest in back, smallest in front, with all labels forward. Boxes are sideways with the name or type of flavor forward...I prefer the front of the box to face left, but it doesn't always work that way because then you get the nutritional value on the side of the box facing forward instead of the name or contents of the box, so I have to be flexible :)
My bathroom counters, medicine box, cleaning cabinet, shampoo bottles...everything has to be, "labels forward." If Jake ever wants to tick me off he will turn a can around and count to see how long I can stand it before giving in and "fixing" it!

5. If you haven't figured it out by now, I am obsessive compulsive in many areas. I have a habit of counting my steps, especially stairs. I always read license plates and repeat them over and over in my head until something else grabs my attention. I like things to be even and/or symmetrical. I can't even have the volume turned up to an odd number, I don't know why. Some things can be an odd number, like groupings of pictures, etc., just not volume on a tv or stereo. There has to be finality to things, no abstract art in my house! And Picasso? Forget about it! I love clean clear lines and definite shape. I like things to be perfect in my eyes (I realize perfection is very subjective) I am happier when life is even.

6. And finally, because I know you all think I am a freak by now, I love the smell of clean laundry. I have to smell every dryer sheet before I put it in the dryer. I love to sniff the clothes as I fold them. It is such a wonderful smell! Ah thank goodness for Tide and Bounce! I also love love love to give sniff-kisses to my kids after they have bathed or showered. They smell so clean and fresh and innocent. I can just bury my face in their sweet little necks and squishy little faces and their soft fine hair and sniff and kiss forever! I love the smell of new books, new shoes, new plastic shower liners, mornings after a rain storm, fresh mountain air, campfires, baby magic lotion, new cars, yummy food cooking in the kitchen, my husbands cologne, and so many other delicious scents! The world is full of them!

So there you have six new facts about me. Those who know me well won't be shocked to have their suspicions confirmed that I am slightly crazy. But hopefully you will love me anyway! It's the little things that make us unique!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

What Beautiful Pies! So Flakey and Delicious!

Alright, so I've been a major blog slacker. It's practically my only flaw so I don't feel too bad. ;)

Thanksgiving was great and the movie was so cute! Everyone had a good time and it is always fun to get together. I made a couple of pies this year to help my mom out with the overwhelming demand for "More Pie". She's big on having the perfect homemade pie crusts with beautifully tweaked edges. I just don't have the patience or the knack for that when Walmart's freezer section has a variety of preassembled ones for the taking! Nobody even knew that my pie crusts were store bought frozen ones! My mother would go berserk if she thought I hadn't made them from scratch, because store bought can't even come close to being as delicious as homemade! I embellished them a little and re-tweaked the edges of course. Diva Devious Deb Reigns Supreme! I got lots of compliments on how yummy my pies were and that the crusts were so flakey...They voted I make pies every year! I am still laughing! They were good though!

As for ping pong, I kicked some serious pong! Only Jake was able to beat me. He always wins at everything though so it doesn't count. I am the champ!

We got our tree up and everything is very Christmas around here! There are even a few presents under the tree already. Coleton said I put them there so early to torture them. They will have to stare at the packages for a month before they get to open them! I am sooo mean!

Well the snow has finally come and my kids are in a little snow heaven! They are out sledding at the "park with the big hill" right now. Jake is being a good dad and sledding with them. I volunteered to stay home and heat up the hot cocoa...aka blog in silence!