Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Do and Deep Thoughts

Yikes! I have a new do! I had a couple of bad hair days in a row, which is always a dangerous thing. Well, I finally had enough of the 30 minutes (at least) a day that it took to do my hair and had it cut on Saturday! I didn't go as short as I have in the past, but it is short. Sort of an a-line type cut. Very cute and easy to style! I think I will like it, but it is so wierd to not have long hair anymore! Everytime I put a shirt or a jacket on I go to atomatically pull my hair out of it, but there is nothing there! Strange! I must look like an idot flapping my arms behind my head pulling all that air out of the back of my collar. Anyway, I will take a picture and post it soon. I love change, it is so refreshingly satisfying, don't you think?

Yea for a Creator who knew to give women options on thier appearance...What if we had been made with hair that didn't grow, or wouldn't hold an artificial colour! What if we couldn't curl or flat iron?! I must say that in His infinite wisdom he saved me for the latter days -I would have been one ugly frizzy washed out features scary looking pioneer!- Praise electricity! So I say a very heartfelt prayer of thanks to My Father above who knew just what I needed. And I encourage you to style, style, style! For the way has been prepared for you...cut, comb, gel, spike, crimp, curl, and style!


Trista said...

I like the commentary! I have to agree. Those pictures of the pioneers only look scary because they weren't blessed with modern conveniences. We need to be kinder and gentler to them.

jodi said...

Okay so you can't tell us about your new hair and not put a picture on of it- it sounds darling, I wish I was brave enough to cut my hair like that!