Thursday, October 23, 2008

Okay, so I'm a blog slacker...

We are loving the kids new school! It was a smart move and for sure the right thing to do. Cass and Cade are excelling beyond my expectations! We are so glad we made the switch.

Coleton is done with soccer! Extra curricular activities have mellowed out for a bit (sanity returneth!) and we just have piano and scouts. Much more managable then all the juggling we did during the spring and summer!

The cabin is going well and we are cramming in all the work we can before the snow hits and we can't get up there as much. The deck is being built and the water and gas lines are in. Windows and sheetrock were delivered today and we are still waiting on the electric work (hopefully soon). The stairs connecting the 1st and 2nd floors are in and look so beautiful! They turned out awesome!