Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Update :)

We spent the 4th of July with my parents playing games and eating LOTS of yummy food, then Me, Jake and the kids headed over to the Sandy City firework show! We were a little disappointed at the fireworks this year...might be time for a change of venue? We'll see.  That being said, we still had a blast just being together and acting silly! We absolutely love the 4th of July! It is the very essence of summer :)

Me and Caden saying "Cheese!"
Jake and Cass being dorks!
Coleton is mad that I am taking his picture and Caden is doing his "intense smile!"

We spent a lot of time at Springhollow this summer! We love it up there! It is always so hard to come home after spending time there. We made some wonderful memories this summer and had a lot of laughs together. I love having a cabin and watching my kids grow up with a passion for the mountains, wildlife, and spending time together as family and friends.

We had our back-to-school dentist appointments and Cade scored this fantastic prize for being a good patient! Awesome!
Um, I think you have something on your lip...

Speaking of back-to-school...Cassandra was excited to see all her friends again and be social. Caden was seriously annoyed that he had to go back to school to, "be bossed around all day by teachers who just talk and talk and talk."
August 17, 2010
Cass and Cade on the first day of school
And last but not least...The Family! Yup, Coleton is 2 inches taller than me :)
August 14, 2010
At the Reberg Family Reunion
Coleton (15) Cassandra (12) Caden (9)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The unjoyousness of fall...or something like that. Plus some gibberish.

Summer is almost over and then the crazy will begin again. Cass and Cade start school on the 17th and me and Coleton start on the 25th. Yay. Or not yay. Anywho, Coleton will be in 10th, Cass in 7th, Cade in 3rd and I am seriously always in college! One more year for me and then I am really done. For reals. Seriously this time :)

The cats are doing great, thanks for asking. Meow is a lover who has a fetish for knees. They are her favorite places to perch upon and dig her claws into oh so lovingly. Gab is fat and still has pica; tape is her personal favorite treat.

Tilly is a flying fool and loves to live cage free. We only lock him up at night and he hisses at us when we do. I think that's probably how he cusses us out. Glad I don't speak cockatiel.

                                          This picture was taken in June. Wtf right!? Erg, snow.
I love summer. I never want it to end. Winter bites. Fall and spring are groovey but summer is where it's at. I hate snow, ice and cold. Oh, and there is school too. School bites as well. Living in Utah with all it's 1.5 seasons is like being constantly nibbled on. And not in a good way!

Speaking of nibbling; I still LOVE movie theatre popcorn with lots of butter and salt...Mmmm!
I love love love junior mints, hot tamales and nachos. Respectively of course. And my new favorite eat is roasted broccoli! I also like Pina coladas and getting lost in the rain :)

Oh, I almost forgot the Jake update. He is still married to me so he gets kudos for that! He is ever the softball player and enjoys not just spring ball, but fall ball as well! He works hard to support us and we love him dearly. Plus he's HOT so I am doubly lucky ;0

The cabin is awesome and I wish we lived there. So perfectly beautiful and peaceful. In fact, we are headed there tomorrow, sans Jake, to spend the week and weekend. I can't wait! I got some new books, a fully charged Ipod and a weeks worth of junior mints and hot tamales! Niiiiice.

My new favorite word is fidiot. It just sums so many people up and can be said in public; so it is on the very top of my favorite words list.

I'm still running. Have gone down a shirt size and feel really good about myself. My hair is getting longer and I have avoided the ever present temptation to chop it off. So far.

And that's all I have to say today.