We spent the 4th of July with my parents playing games and eating LOTS of yummy food, then Me, Jake and the kids headed over to the Sandy City firework show! We were a little disappointed at the fireworks this year...might be time for a change of venue? We'll see. That being said, we still had a blast just being together and acting silly! We absolutely love the 4th of July! It is the very essence of summer :)
Me and Caden saying "Cheese!" |
Jake and Cass being dorks! |
Coleton is mad that I am taking his picture and Caden is doing his "intense smile!"
We spent a lot of time at Springhollow this summer! We love it up there! It is always so hard to come home after spending time there. We made some wonderful memories this summer and had a lot of laughs together. I love having a cabin and watching my kids grow up with a passion for the mountains, wildlife, and spending time together as family and friends.
We had our back-to-school dentist appointments and Cade scored this fantastic prize for being a good patient! Awesome!
Um, I think you have something on your lip...
Speaking of back-to-school...Cassandra was excited to see all her friends again and be social. Caden was seriously annoyed that he had to go back to school to, "be bossed around all day by teachers who just talk and talk and talk."
August 17, 2010
Cass and Cade on the first day of school |
And last but not least...The Family! Yup, Coleton is 2 inches taller than me :)
August 14, 2010
At the Reberg Family Reunion
Coleton (15) Cassandra (12) Caden (9) |
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