Nate and Noah by "The Fort"
Jake is giving Caden some driving lessons! He loved it!
We call these guys "The Three Musketeers"
Nick, Coleton, and Matt on the "Fort Ridge Trail" they spent all day making!
Noah, Nate, Cade, Cass, and Zach
Cassie loves to "bake" in the Mud Pie Bakery!

It's amazing how such a pretty little girl can get so fabulously dirty!
Cassie and Coleton having a light lunch of pine needle soup and wild flower salad
created by Chef Cassie
Caden and his cookie crumb smile! He only looks innocent!
What a handsome devil Coleton is!
Noah, Nate, and Cade being wild boys in the hammock!

created by Chef Cassie

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