I know I know...I have neglected my blog. Life sort of took over for a bit and there wasn't much time for computering. I will catch you all up to speed and put your desperately curious minds at ease so that you too can move on with your lives.
The cabin is really taking shape now, literally.
The basement flooring is all poured and the deck footings are in and poured as well. (That was quite the project!) 
Last week the framers got the basement/garage all framed in and they will be working
again today, tomorrow, and Saturday. They also got the rock retaining wall in place. I will post more pics next week. We will go up Sunday to see the progress and to plan the next work party. Very exciting stuff! I can't
wait for it to be done!

I'll start with the 4th of July. It is Jakes favorite holiday and one of my top three as well. We met up with the Becksteads and spent the day in Sandy enjoying all the activities and concerts and later that night the "big" fireworks. It wasn't as great as it has been in the past. The musicality was off and there were long pauses between some of the explosions. Maybe because of the wind? I don't know, but it was disappointing. Still fun and the kids didn't notice anything amiss so I guess alls well that ends well. -I'm just always a critic-

Cassie worked her little self to exhaustion doing chores for people to earn money for an American Girl Doll this month. She was awesome and earned every penny she needed and got to order "Julie". We, um, SHE got her (our) doll on Monday and couldn't be happier! I love those dolls...I'm glad she is loving them too...I have waited forever for her to take an interest. Now I can justify getting me, um, HER all of the fabulous treasures out of the catalogue. And possibly more dolls? Santa? I'm feeling pretty positive that it will be an American Girl Christmas this year!!! She (I) will be so excited! ;)
We are up to our necks in soccer! Coleton has 3-4 practices a week now! Yikes! Just crown me the Soccer Mom! No, really, I want the crown. I deserve the crown...Just Give Me The Freakin Crown!
Moving on...
Jake is done with softball -for the summer- and is playing soccer now. I wonder if I ought to invest in an oxygen tank and a defibrillator just in case? These men think they are still 20-something! At least they have fun. But, oh how they pay for it the next couple of days!!! Sore this-ouch that! Ha! Too funny!
Caden is hilarious. We went out to eat last night and he got up from our table and walked over to another table and started tap dancing for that family! They were cute and urged him on and gave him some applause. He then dazzled them with some magic coin tricks! I'll bet they didn't know they were going to get dinner AND entertainment that night! He just isn't very shy and loves to show off and perform! Did I mention he was tap dancing in flip flops?! He is so darn cute!
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