Sunday, March 14, 2010

My oh My

Remember me? It's been awhile. I am back in school and life is busier than ever. I am just finishing up my first year in the occupational therapy assistant program. I am also the president of the students of occupational therapy club. I am a master of the school-family-work juggling act!

The kids are doing great and Jake is awesome. I am loving my new career choice and can't wait to be done with school and out in the workforce applying my new know-how :) Life is good and we are enjoying the moments as they seem to fly by in a hurry to get somewhere else. I swear time goes by faster and faster the older I get! Coleton is 15 and is getting his driving learners permit this week, Cassie is 12 going on about 25, and Caden is 8 and adorable. We still have two moody cats with too much personality, a bird who thinks he's a porn star, and four fish, Bob, Spot, Rainbow and Cracker. Coleton is king of the XBox, Cassie is queen of drama and all that is girl, Caden is keeper and wearer of The Gear (belts, guns, swords, handcuffs anything he can wrap, strap or hook onto his person to look cool.) My kids are amazing people and they keep me constantly entertained.

I'm going to try to be better on updating but I can't promise you anything :)
Chat at ya later - Peace out