Today is our wedding anniversary! We have officially been married for 14 years...Wow! It doesn't seem like it's been that long and yet it seems like we've been together forever. We dated for three years before we got married so that means we've been together for almost 17 years...oh my! I've been having flashbacks about my pre-wedding thoughts and my wedding day memories all week. It's been a fun jog down memory lane. I wish I had some pics of my wedding to post but I was married before the digi camera was born! I will have to see if I can find the box I packed them in and scan some of them onto the computer. You would laugh at how young we both look and at my poofy dress! I think Jake weighed about a buck fifty and had a 29 in waist! We were so young and naive! What I wouldn't give to go back in time and give myself some advice and direction! It's been an adventure and the highs and lows have been worth it because we are still in love with each other and life is good if not perfect. Jake is still my best friend and the one who makes my heart beat fast. He is awesome and I couldn't have chosen a better partner.

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