You get two weeks for the price of one this time! Aren't you the bargain hunter! Or maybe I'm just a slacker ;) ahem...anyway, here goes-
On the 7th we had some friends over for game night and had a great time. The kids were really good and played happily until midnight (we were really into our game and kept saying just one more round...we'll maybe just one more...ok one more and that's it!...etc.) Time does tend to get away from you! It was fun even though the boys won.
Sunday was our anniversary
Monday Jake had two softball games...they lost the first and won the second. He is my Homerun King!
Coleton started his soccer conditioning camp. He goes every day this week for 2.5 hours. Yikes! He's not quite sure how he feels about this, but I feel very strongly that after all the money I paid he is going to LOVE it! He doesn't think I'm funny.
Tues-Thurs was life as usual. Coleton was doing great at soccer camp and even enjoying it as it got easier. I worked Tues and Thurs. Dad watched the kids for me on Tues and took Coleton to his practice, bought them all lunch at McDonalds, and then took them swimming at his house. What an awesome Grandpa!
Fri-Sun the kids spent the weekend at Jakes Moms house so that we could have some alone time to celebrate our anniversary. Friday night was Betos and videos. Saturday morning we woke up and had german pancakes and then went to see a movie. After that it was Cafe Rio and then we headed to Gateway. We took the train and met an "interesting" guy who reminded us of a mix between John Locke from Lost and Creed from The Office...He seriously could have been their love child! Anyway, we had so much fun at Gateway! We ate some dinner and walked around...shopped a little and mostly just held hands and talked. It was fabulous!
This week I'm not working so I get to catch up on everything I neglected all last week. We are going to go swimming over at Julies house today and the kids are excited. Monday was fun because Spencer came over and right after he left Julie came over! Well, I guess Julie comes over every Monday but I still love it when she's here. Spencer was a treat though...he hardly ever shows up at my house! Alright, that's about it in a nut shell...exciting huh? I know, you're jealous, but try to love me anyway. Not everyones life can be as exciting, but it's ok if you want to live vicariously through mine. I'll understand :)
you always make me smile. I love how what you write sounds exactly like you would say it. I miss you. I loved your comment on my blog about the cafe rio salad. It made me laugh. Hopefully that bite was as delicious as I remember them being. Anyway- love your blog- hey did you cut your hair short again or did I just miss all of that??
You must have missed it! Read, "The New New Do" in my blog's just for you!
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