My baby is 6! Can you believe it?! Where has the time gone? I spent this whole last week thinking that we have truly entered the next phase of life. No more babies, no more toddlers, no more preschoolers. All my kids will be in school and then what?! What does a mom do with all that time? Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about it all, I just don't know where to even begin! I have so much I want to do for ME; things that have been on hold for a while, it is a little overwhelming! I think this year will be the test year when Cade is in school all day?...That will be the real deal! But for almost three hours every morning Monday through Friday, I will be all alone! Wow! I'm both excited and nervous...
Anyway, back to Cade's b-day. We went and saw Ratatouille today (very cute) and ate at sonic for lunch. We had his favorite dinner -roasted chicken- and then set up his new "big daddy" basketball hoop! He informed us that he had outgrown the little plastic "kid" ones and that he wanted a big basketball hoop AND a basketball for his birthday. He is actually a pretty good shot! Cassie was making most of her shots too! Caden's party is tomorrow morning and he is really, really excited! It's his first friend party!
Coleton gets home from scout camp tomorrow as well and I am counting down the minutes! I have missed him sooo much! I havn't sleep since he left...I guess I'll always worry about my kids. It's what moms do right?!
Oh side note: The other day Cassie was talking about starting cheer lessons and said she couldn't wait for them to begin so that she could start having "attitude"! You should see her demonstrate what she means by attitude! She has the hands on hips, valley girl voice, and the head bobin' around...Awesome!!! I need to get it on video!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Caden's Birthday
Posted by Debra at 11:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Life in Girlyville
What a weekend! Poor Jaclyn had the worst patients (I'm sure she will agree!) I have decided that too many annoying people are having children. Who do they think they are? What do they think they are doing? I mean, stupid people getting pregnant and having babies is sad and tragic...but they are stupid so what do you expect? Aside from mandatory sterilization it's a moot point. But people who are just annoying, whiny, weird, have-done-their-research, or are seriously misdirected -I'm talking about mostly "birth plan" carrying primips here or hypno birthing Yadas...;) are a major strain on the patience of those trying to care for them and to give them the "experience" they want...or think that they want. And what is the deal with having the entire extended family camp out in the waiting room or worse, the pts room! for HOURS and HOURS! Yes, I understand that it is a momentous occasion, but honestly, go home and wait or go out somewhere and do whatever, or most importantly -just go. Come when the baby is actually delivering, or right after, or preferably when Mom is recovered and resting comfortably on MB.
Not all pts are bad and for the most part they are very nice normal people. It's just sad that there are so many screening processes, and background checks, and home evaluations, and credit checks, and psychological exams, and tests, and age limits, and so many other barriers for things in life...but not one dang thing to stop the unfit from creating and raising a new little person! Ok, rant over for now. Comment away, I'm sure you're dying to!
Posted by Debra at 5:48 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
You don't say...
- Coleton and I were having the classic "Trust me Coleton, I know a little more than you do" argument in the car the other day. He sighs and huffs and rolls his eyes at me then coolly comments, "Mom, you might know more about life, but I know more about stuff!" And so it begins, my downward spiral from being the all knowing Mom to the life lecturing know it all that apparently knows nothing Mom.
- Caden was being his cute little self at the store the other day when a woman leans down to him and says "Oh you are so cute, what's your name?" and Caden, without missing a beat looks up at her and says, "My name is Forest, Forest Gump." I thought I was gonna fall over I was laughing so hard!

- You know you've spent too much time in the mountains when you look out the kitchen window and see your five year old drop trouser and pee on a tree in the backyard! When I questioned him on why he didn't come inside and use the toilet he simply said, "Why, there's a tree right here." Duh. So I told him he wasn't allowed to pee on our trees. Two days later I catch him peeing through the fence on the neighbors tree! I guess I should have been more specific!
Posted by Debra at 7:00 PM 2 comments
Summer 2007!
Ahhh, summer!!! I love this time of year! The kids are out of school and life is sweet! We are still busy but in a less "educational" way. Piano, band, scouts, activity days, softball, baseball, soccer, soccer, and more soccer, cheerleading, dance, swimming, and lots and lots of Spring Hollow!
The cabin is finally under construction, and we are blessed and stressed with all the goings on. We have already spent two weekends in the Great Pumpkin (aka the trailer) and will probably go up again this weekend. The kids love being dirty and wild and I love being removed from the responsibility of home, work and all that goes with it! Not that I don't enjoy my "real life" it's just nice to have a break.
- Coleton (12) made his AA soccer try-outs and we are looking forward to starting a new season! Congrats to Coleton! He totally Rocks!
- Cassie (9) has decided to become a cheerleader...We're super excited and she'll have lots of opportunities to practice her routines at all of the boys games! Lessons start in September.
- Caden (5) is playing t-ball and soccer and is anxious for football...Jake is overjoyed! Caden has found his calling in life...Sports!
- Jake is, as always, playing softball. He is also doing a lot of golfing much to his absolute delight and is playing in a tournament in Wyoming fathers day weekend!
Posted by Debra at 4:01 PM 0 comments