Ahhh, summer!!! I love this time of year! The kids are out of school and life is sweet! We are still busy but in a less "educational" way. Piano, band, scouts, activity days, softball, baseball, soccer, soccer, and more soccer, cheerleading, dance, swimming, and lots and lots of Spring Hollow!
The cabin is finally under construction, and we are blessed and stressed with all the goings on. We have already spent two weekends in the Great Pumpkin (aka the trailer) and will probably go up again this weekend. The kids love being dirty and wild and I love being removed from the responsibility of home, work and all that goes with it! Not that I don't enjoy my "real life" it's just nice to have a break.
- Coleton (12) made his AA soccer try-outs and we are looking forward to starting a new season! Congrats to Coleton! He totally Rocks!
- Cassie (9) has decided to become a cheerleader...We're super excited and she'll have lots of opportunities to practice her routines at all of the boys games! Lessons start in September.
- Caden (5) is playing t-ball and soccer and is anxious for football...Jake is overjoyed! Caden has found his calling in life...Sports!
- Jake is, as always, playing softball. He is also doing a lot of golfing much to his absolute delight and is playing in a tournament in Wyoming fathers day weekend!
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