Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Life in Girlyville

What a weekend! Poor Jaclyn had the worst patients (I'm sure she will agree!) I have decided that too many annoying people are having children. Who do they think they are? What do they think they are doing? I mean, stupid people getting pregnant and having babies is sad and tragic...but they are stupid so what do you expect? Aside from mandatory sterilization it's a moot point. But people who are just annoying, whiny, weird, have-done-their-research, or are seriously misdirected -I'm talking about mostly "birth plan" carrying primips here or hypno birthing Yadas...;) are a major strain on the patience of those trying to care for them and to give them the "experience" they want...or think that they want. And what is the deal with having the entire extended family camp out in the waiting room or worse, the pts room! for HOURS and HOURS! Yes, I understand that it is a momentous occasion, but honestly, go home and wait or go out somewhere and do whatever, or most importantly -just go. Come when the baby is actually delivering, or right after, or preferably when Mom is recovered and resting comfortably on MB.

Not all pts are bad and for the most part they are very nice normal people. It's just sad that there are so many screening processes, and background checks, and home evaluations, and credit checks, and psychological exams, and tests, and age limits, and so many other barriers for things in life...but not one dang thing to stop the unfit from creating and raising a new little person! Ok, rant over for now. Comment away, I'm sure you're dying to!


Melanie said...

Hey Debra,
I love your blog. It's fun to see what' going on in everyone's lives. I totally agree with you, of course, on this posting. I never knew how many wierd people were out there until I started working on this floor. Say hi to everyone for me.

jill said...

I love your statement. It is the total truth!! Thank you for making my day today by making me laugh. You rock...

jodi said...

I love this, I think that everyone who workd on L and D would have to agree with you! Hopefully we will have a better Tuesday night. Your the best.