Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Goodbye Vagville

First, let me dry my eyes. I cannot believe how incredibly difficult it was to make it through my last day without going to pieces. I was surprised at the emotions I felt. I have spent the last two and a half years with the most incredible people doing amazing things. We have laughed, cried, screamed, and been silent. So many fun, scary, happy, exciting, heartbreaking moments. I will never forget my experiences in Labor and Delivery. How many times in your life do you get the chance to sit with four of your best friends for 12-13 hours and do nothing but chat, gossip, and get to know each other?! Night after night! We are more family than friends sometimes. I will miss the laughter, the inside jokes, the ranting and raving. I will miss ducking into the med room to whisper some bit of gossip or to dish out on whoever was being stupid or a turd. I'll miss the clean utility room discussions when we wanted a private conversation. I will miss the eye contact that could say so much back in the OR when things were getting rediculous...lots of eye rolling! Mostly, I will miss my interaction with all of you. The comroddery and the trusting friendships. Knowing that everyone is willing to help and the sense of teamwork. That is a rare thing...to trust that others will come running just because you call out to them. Even more rare is knowing each other so well that often times words are not needed. A look, a motion, or nothing at all and they are doing exactly what you needed them to do. Again, teamwork. (I told you I was emotional)

Ok, moving on...

Things I won't miss:

The placenta fridge, room five and all that goes with it, full moon nights, calls from the ER, certain Dr's and thier many moods, prolapsed cords, heart tones in the 60's, abruptions, princess patients, too many family members looking out for thier loved ones, pushing the stupid door button, nights-weekends-and-holidays, 5:50 am c-sections, bagging babies, birth plans, specimens in zip loc baggies for our viewing pleasure, witnessing all the unfit parents walking out with thier new babies and hoping for the best but being completely unable to do anything about it. Etc. etc. etc.

I am excited for my "new" life and I hope I made the right choice. It's for the greater good right? I will keep my blog updated and will be checking all of your blogs often. I don't want to fall too far out of the loop so don't lose contact. I miss everyone already and I will never forget you. Take care and keep being Incredible People!