Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What's Up Wednesday

-Obviously my bday was last Saturday! We went to a movie and played outside and just kind of hung out together. It was nice.
-We got the yard all ready for winter and put all of the outside toys away.
-Jake cleaned the garage out so that we could fit all of the stuff that is normally strewn all over the backyard in it. I have never seen our sand box so empty! We did a super good job at cleaning the yard up because we are thinking of listing the house in the next month or three...again. We always kick it around but maybe for real this time? ;)
-The boys won a round and the girls won a round on card night last week so now it's tie breaker time! Game on.
-I took the kids to Julie's neighboorhood halloween party and trunk or treat. The kids had fun together and they loaded up on candy! We are going to my parent's tonight to trick or treat because Jake won't be home. I figured I would be out with Cass and Cade and the house would be dark and empty anyway, so we might as well just hang out with Grandma and Grandpa. They are so excited to have the kids over it's funny! This is the first year I haven't bought any candy...weird.


Jaclyn said...

Hello. Happy late Halloween to you. I am glad to hear you are doing well. We miss you hear at work. Also, Happy Birthday as well.