Ok, Jodi tagged me so here goes...
1. I am a morning person. I love to get up early and start my day before the sun comes up. I sometimes have a hard time getting out of bed, but once I do I love it! Usually I can jump right up as soon as the alarm goes off (opposite of Jake who has to set his clock 30 minutes fast and then still hit snooze 500 times before he rolls out of bed). There is just something so soothing about the calm quiet of the morning. Before everything gets crazy and there are people everywhere doing everything...I hate chaos.
2. I hate chaos. I cannot stand it when there is no order or civility. I don't mind busy, I just don't like hectic. Chuck-E-Cheese drives me batty and Walmart/Costco on a Saturday makes me want to scream! I cringe at the thought of kids birthday parties, The Energy Solutions Arena after a Jazz game, school fieldtrips, pretty much anything that involves lots of people being noisy and moving around. I'm not afraid of these events or people; It's just that nothing is being productive or efficient and there has got to be an easier, quieter way. I just go a little crazy because I can't hear myself think, can't get a complete thought in my head, and basically I want to yell at everybody to chill the heck out and to calm down. Whew! I'm getting anxious just thinking about it!
3. I play with my hair. Yes, I am that annoying person who wraps their hair around and around their finger...over and over again. Sometimes (most times) if I can get it to form just the absolute perfect knot I will break it. It has the most satisfying "snap" to it! I have done this since I was a little girl and have tons of little broken fly-away hairs to prove it! I mostly play with my hair when I am thinking or watching tv, or just plain bored. It drives Jake crazy! At least I don't suck my thumb anymore! (I stopped in kindergarten)
4. I like things with their labels forward. My pantry is obnoxious. Every can has to be biggest in back, smallest in front, with all labels forward. Boxes are sideways with the name or type of flavor forward...I prefer the front of the box to face left, but it doesn't always work that way because then you get the nutritional value on the side of the box facing forward instead of the name or contents of the box, so I have to be flexible :)
My bathroom counters, medicine box, cleaning cabinet, shampoo bottles...everything has to be, "labels forward." If Jake ever wants to tick me off he will turn a can around and count to see how long I can stand it before giving in and "fixing" it!
5. If you haven't figured it out by now, I am obsessive compulsive in many areas. I have a habit of counting my steps, especially stairs. I always read license plates and repeat them over and over in my head until something else grabs my attention. I like things to be even and/or symmetrical. I can't even have the volume turned up to an odd number, I don't know why. Some things can be an odd number, like groupings of pictures, etc., just not volume on a tv or stereo. There has to be finality to things, no abstract art in my house! And Picasso? Forget about it! I love clean clear lines and definite shape. I like things to be perfect in my eyes (I realize perfection is very subjective) I am happier when life is even.
6. And finally, because I know you all think I am a freak by now, I love the smell of clean laundry. I have to smell every dryer sheet before I put it in the dryer. I love to sniff the clothes as I fold them. It is such a wonderful smell! Ah thank goodness for Tide and Bounce! I also love love love to give sniff-kisses to my kids after they have bathed or showered. They smell so clean and fresh and innocent. I can just bury my face in their sweet little necks and squishy little faces and their soft fine hair and sniff and kiss forever! I love the smell of new books, new shoes, new plastic shower liners, mornings after a rain storm, fresh mountain air, campfires, baby magic lotion, new cars, yummy food cooking in the kitchen, my husbands cologne, and so many other delicious scents! The world is full of them!
So there you have six new facts about me. Those who know me well won't be shocked to have their suspicions confirmed that I am slightly crazy. But hopefully you will love me anyway! It's the little things that make us unique!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Posted by Debra at 1:12 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 1, 2007
What Beautiful Pies! So Flakey and Delicious!
Alright, so I've been a major blog slacker. It's practically my only flaw so I don't feel too bad. ;)
Thanksgiving was great and the movie was so cute! Everyone had a good time and it is always fun to get together. I made a couple of pies this year to help my mom out with the overwhelming demand for "More Pie". She's big on having the perfect homemade pie crusts with beautifully tweaked edges. I just don't have the patience or the knack for that when Walmart's freezer section has a variety of preassembled ones for the taking! Nobody even knew that my pie crusts were store bought frozen ones!
As for ping pong, I kicked some serious pong! Only Jake was able to beat me. He always wins at everything though so it doesn't count. I am the champ!
We got our tree up and everything is very Christmas around here! There are even a few presents under the tree already. Coleton said I put them there so early to torture them. They will have to stare at the packages for a month before they get to open them! I am sooo mean!
Well the snow has finally come and my kids are in a little snow heaven! They are out sledding at the "park with the big hill" right now. Jake is being a good dad and sledding with them. I volunteered to stay home and heat up the hot cocoa...aka blog in silence!
Posted by Debra at 1:23 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Playing catch-up
Yikes, I haven't posted for a week or so. Lots has been going on so I am justifying myself in taking some time off the blog. But, to fill you all in...Jake has graduated!!! He is now officially smart! We are so proud of him! We celebrated all weekend with family and friends. Way to go Jake! Now the job hunt begins...Like Melanie said on her blog, not very likely that we will stay in Utah. Although, we really don't want to leave and will try very hard not to.
For Thanksgiving we are going to my parents for dinner and an all out ping pong war! We are going to see the movie Enchanted beforehand with the whole family...it's tradition to see a movie on Turkey Day. Then it's time to sit back stuff our faces and watch football! (After I whomp some booty at ping pong! Yeah I think I'm that good) We will put up our Christmas decorations this weekend. We already have lights up on the house. And as far as snow goes...Let it NOT snow! I love this weather!
Posted by Debra at 9:51 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Caden's sense of humor
I just had to post the cute things Cade has said to me lately.
He aked me if he could drive the car the other day and I said, "You're not old enough to drive." He said, "Yahuh, I'm six. And six year olds can drive because they're big and they go to school." I then said, "Well, do you even know how to drive?" He replied while rolling his eyes, "Keys, pedal, music, then you drive!"
I guess he does know how! :)
This morning he came into my room and in a sing-song voice says, "Rise and Shine Sleeping Beauty! It's time to wake up!"
He is just so cute!
Jake brought Cade home a Denver Broncos football from his trip. When he gave it to Cade you would have thought it was Christmas morning! Caden grabs it and yells "Oh man, I love it!" It was late at night so he had to go to bed but we told him he could play with it tomorrow. So the next morning he comes down stairs clutching his football and smiling. He says to me, "Look at this Mom! Isn't it sweet! This is a real football" He got dressed and went outside to practice his moves. I got out the video camera and he started showing off. He was saying things like, "This throw is called The Freeze! And this one is The Rocket! Check out this dive!" (he throws the ball and then runs and dives to catch it)Too funny! I'll be sad when he is big and doesn't do that anymore.
Just now Caden walked up to me with his guitar and while strumming wildly and making crazy scary faces he said, "Rock and Roll Mom, Rock and Roll!" I don't even know what to say to this kid! He just cracks me up! What a cutie!
Posted by Debra at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
What's Up Wednesday
-We had an awesome Halloween! A house by my parents had turned their yard into a really scary haunted house (seriously, it was way scary). Cassie and Coleton went through several times and absolutely loved it! I went through it once with Caden. At the end of the haunted house there was a chainsaw guy and he scared the crap out of Caden! I had just set him down to walk because we were at the end(he told me about five steps into the house that I had to carry him)and the guy with the chainsaw revs it up and starts coming towards us! Caden took off and ran all the way down the driveway. He stopped at the street, turned around and yelled "What the hell was that!" I -and everyone else- just started laughing! Too funny! He was pretty shook up and mad, I couldn't even get mad at him for swearing because the guy had scared me too! It was just really funny. I did feel bad for Cade but he is over it now and bragging that he went through "that so scary house with the chainsaw and bloody sheets."
-Jake had his birthday on Saturday and we took him out to dinner and a movie. It was fun and we had a good time. We saw The Bee Movie. Loved it!
-I'm a single mom this week. Jake is in Denver for business again. The kids and I have had a busy week so it hasn't been too hard. Jake is applying for a new position on Friday so keep your fingers crossed! It would mean more money but more travel. Also there could be some relocation involved...He really wants it so I hope things go well and he gets an interview. I'll keep you posted.
Posted by Debra at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
What's Up Wednesday
-Obviously my bday was last Saturday! We went to a movie and played outside and just kind of hung out together. It was nice.
-We got the yard all ready for winter and put all of the outside toys away.
-Jake cleaned the garage out so that we could fit all of the stuff that is normally strewn all over the backyard in it. I have never seen our sand box so empty! We did a super good job at cleaning the yard up because we are thinking of listing the house in the next month or three...again. We always kick it around but maybe for real this time? ;)
-The boys won a round and the girls won a round on card night last week so now it's tie breaker time! Game on.
-I took the kids to Julie's neighboorhood halloween party and trunk or treat. The kids had fun together and they loaded up on candy! We are going to my parent's tonight to trick or treat because Jake won't be home. I figured I would be out with Cass and Cade and the house would be dark and empty anyway, so we might as well just hang out with Grandma and Grandpa. They are so excited to have the kids over it's funny! This is the first year I haven't bought any candy...weird.
Posted by Debra at 9:15 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What's Up Wednesday
-I had three of my nephews for a few days this week while Brett & Lori went to California...So fun for them...so crazy for me! The kids loved it and had a blast playing together. I doubled the number of kids I am use to having so I really was a super mom this last week -yes, I just gave myself kudos.
-Saturday we went to a party and had a really good time. Mmmm prime rib, good wine, and stuffed mushrooms! On the way home we passed a car that was stopped on the side of the road in the pouring rain. The people were waving a flashlight at us so we stopped, but then they waved us on. So we started to go but then they waved us back. So we backed up and I rolled down my window to ask if they needed help. Then their car door opened and a Cheech and Chong smoke cloud came billowing out of the car along with the sweet scent of marijuana! It was a car full of strung out teenagers! They were playing with the flashlights making pretty designs in the air and being totally stupid! We laughed and drove away hoping they wouldn't kill themselves or anyone else! (We were secretly jealous of the "teen years" they were experiencing and all of the joys and illusions of freedom that go with it)
-Sunday was card night with the Becksteads...Girls completely stomped the boys! Girl Power!!! We are having a re-match on Friday for my b-day. (Oct. 27th I will be 28 yet again!)
-Last night was our church Halloween party. The kids looked so cute in their costumes! Coleton and the scouts did balloon animals for their fun booth. They made some really cool things, I was impressed! They were all supposed to dress up like clowns but Coleton was a little too "cool" to be a stupid clown so he reluctantly settled on being a sad motorcycle clown...seriously he was sad. I forced him to dress up and it was almost WW III! He was positive no one else would dress up -heaven forbid he be "different". Hello!!! Halloween Party! Costumes NOT Optional! Besides he waited until 20 minutes before the party to tell me he needed a clown costume!!! Can you say Super Mom yet again! I totally come to the rescue with eye liner and black lipstick and he freaks out! I should have video taped the process. You would have given me a standing ovation and a gold star for not abandoning ship. He was a turd the whole time. But, as you will see from the photos, he looked really cool and all ended well. Everyone else dressed up and even though I didn't get an "I'm sorry" or a "thank you Mom you rock" I know he was thinking it ;)
Posted by Debra at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
leaves, leaves, the musical fruit, the more you eat the less you have to rake
Posted by Debra at 9:50 AM 0 comments
What's Up Wednesday
Ok, so it's not Wednesday...but here you go anyway.
-The kids were out of school for fall break.
-We went and saw The Simpsons Movie...hated it, almost had to walk out.
-Went to the Discovery Park with Julie and all of our kids...Loved it, so fun to sit back and chat while the kids played.
-It snowed up at Springhollow, so glad that we brought the trailer down when we did!
-Saturday we went with Chet and Julie to see Spencer's "production" which meant that we spent the night clubbing. Spencer is a budding record producer/manager/publicist, mostly to underground hip hop. He books shows at local bars and has a music studio in his house. It had been a while since we'd closed down a bar! "Last Call!" It was fun to hang out and play pool, and we did have a good time.
Posted by Debra at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Mother Nature
Posted by Debra at 6:36 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
What's Up Wednesday
So I had a new idea...I am going to try to post a weekly review of my week every Wednesday. We'll see how it goes.
-No more soccer games! Soccer season is over except for one final game next week! Indoor soccer starts soon so my break is going to be short lived.
-Gene, Andrea, and Levi came to stay with us for a few days. So much fun!
-We went to the Dinosaur museum on Friday -Loved it and had a blast.
-Had dinner at the Mayan after seeing Transformers on the IMAX at Jordan Commons on Saturday.
-Bought a 50 inch plasma for our viewing pleasure!!! We love it!
-All of my favorite shows are back on now!!! Awesome to watch on our new favorite addiction...aka huge tv!
-Got the kids thier halloween costumes and finished putting up decorations outside.
-Transformed my golden locks into fabulous red curls! So sassy!
-First week I didn't work at the hospital. Tuesday was wierd, I worked at the surgery center all day and then spent the night at home with the fam. 6 pm rolled on by and I couldn't help but feel anxious and well just wierd that I was still home.
-Made beef stew for dinner tonight. The first of the winter favorites! I love cooking in the fall and winter...such hearty meals ;)
-I finally painted Cassie's nightstand -she is still in shock
Posted by Debra at 3:41 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Goodbye Vagville
Posted by Debra at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Pictures of kids 2007. We took pics of all the kids a few weeks ago. It was a very long couple of hours as you can tell from some of the shots!
Posted by Debra at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Outlaws and Saloon Girls
Posted by Debra at 10:36 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Got this from Trista's blog (I stole it really) but it was fun so I added it to my page. Feel free to copy/paste it to your own. It could be fun!
1. Who is your man? Jacob White (JW)
2. How long have you been together? 16 years on October 25 (that's the day of our first date)
3. Dating/Engaged/Married? Married for 13 years!
4. How old is your man? 32
You or your man?
1. Who eats more? Probably a tie, depends on the meal.
2. Who said “I love you” first? Jake
3. Who weighs more? Jake, he better always weigh more than I do!
4. Who sings better? Well, of course I do! Actually niether one of us is great, but at least I know the words, and I'm not afraid to be heard!
5. Who’s Older? Jake forever and ever (I will never be older than 28, remember?) :)
6. Who’s smarter? I think I am, and he thinks he is...So, who knows? I'm sure it depends on the topic. (but really, I'm sure I'm the smarter one)
7. Who’s temper is worse? Is this a trick question? LOL!...Totally me! I am a case to be sure!
8. Who does the laundry? We both do, it's always half done though because it's a never ending job!
9. Who does the dishes? Again, we both do. We run on different schedules a lot so whoever gets to it first.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Hmm, if you're standing at the foot of the bed I guess technicaly I do...but more towards the middle and a little to the left. Jake sort of hangs off the edge! ;)
11. Whose feet are bigger? Jake's
12. Whose hair is longer? Definitely mine! Yea! I've been growing it out and it is just passed my shoulders now!
13. Who’s better with the computer? I am, and that is pathetic because I'm not even that good
14. Who mows the lawn? Jake and/or Coleton.
15. Who pays the bills? I do, and it always makes me cranky...but I like the power so I continue to claim the chore as mine. Jake is not allowed to help because I do have a method to my madness and he's not supposed to mess with or criticize it!
16. Who cooks dinner? Seriously? Me! I guess if we didn't mind having...um...nothing everyday we could let Jake cook!
17. Who drives when you are together? Usually Jake. It frees my hands for talking and swatting at the kids in the back seat!
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Jake. He still treats me like he is courting me...what a Man!
19. Who’s the most stubborn? Not me, not me, not me! I am not stubborn! (Answer your question?)
20. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? We're equal on this one. I have really worked on this over the years. It's hard for me to admit...but it does happen. Rarely though because I'm hardly ever wrong...refer to question #6.
21. Whose parents do you see more? Abosolutely mine.
22. Who kissed who first? He kissed me, and I was asking for it! He was hot, had a camero, and was an older man! Need I say more!
23. Who asked who out? That's a hard one. We just sort of "were". We count Oct. 25 as our first date, but it was my 15th b-day party so it's wasn't really a "date". Once we found each other we were just always together!
24. What did you do? We went to a haunted house (quite the story, ask me about it one day!)
25. Who’s more sensitive? Me, and on sooo many levels...I can be a little dramatic!
26. Who’s taller? Jake by 4 inches
27. Who has more friends? That would be me.
28. Who is more active? I go to the gym more, but Jake plays more...So, I don't know.
29. Who has more siblings? Jake is an only child and I have two brothers and a sister
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I do, but I let him think he does...sometimes.
Ok, now it is your turn. You know what to do!
Posted by Debra at 12:46 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
Here are my favorite pictures of Cassie. I know I'm completely biased but she is the most beautiful girl in the universe!
Posted by Debra at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Coleton doing homework, cleaning, and being really cool in his soccer uniform -What a cutie!
Posted by Debra at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
Cassie's fav dance outfit...she is such a girl! She takes ballroom dance and absolutely loves it!
Posted by Debra at 12:39 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I Moose Say!
We saw this huge bull moose on Sunday about 5 ft from our trailer!!! Cassie walked around the back corner of the trailer and all but stepped on him! She screamed and we all came running, but this big guy just got up and moved about 20 ft away and layed back down! He was enormous! We managed to get a little too close
Posted by Debra at 8:11 PM 0 comments
A Firm Foundation!
Yea! We finaly poured the foundation! It is so good to see an actual structure instead of just a hole in the ground! We went up for the weekend Sat-Sun. It is so beautiful up there, I love it!
Posted by Debra at 8:02 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The End of Summer and School's Beginning
Wow, another summer done, I can't believe it. I hate to see it go. I honestly think that years are going by faster then they used to. I swear school just got out, and here it is starting back up again! Where's the pause button! I understand that life will go on no matter what...But you would think with Tivo and Dvr we could maybe just record it and then play it back when we're ready. A little prep time ya know? Some room to adjust, fast forward, rewind, PAUSE, and the ability to save it forever. I want a remote, I want the power (we call the remote "The Power" at our house). I just want life to be a little slower I think. I'm such a whiner cry baby...I love having older kids but do they have to get "older" so fast?! Blah, enough, I'm sick of hearing me whine so I bet you are to...Moving on...
So, this was a big school year! Coleton started junior high 7th grade. He was a little nervous but is doing great! I was so scared for him! I remember my first week in jr high and it was so nerve racking. He has friends in most of his classes and for the most part he likes all but one of his teachers.
Cassie or "Cassandra" as she told her teachers she prefers to be called...(What??? Since when?) I could have fallen over when she said that at back to school night! Anyway, Cassandra, is in 4th grade this year and is at the height of her game. She has the school thing down without all of the pressure to be big. She can still play dress-up, barbies, dolls, princess, whatever she wants without ridicule. She is loving life. And mornings are sooo much better now because Coleton is leaving for school around the time that Cass is getting up. And Cade doesn't go until 12:40, so Cassie has the morning rituals all to herself. Now there is harmony in our home on school mornings ...HALLELUJAH!
Caden started kindergarten on Tuesday. He is in the afternoon session (half day) and couldn't be happier! He wasn't sad, nervous, nothing! I am so happy for him! It was a bitter-sweet moment walking away from the school the first day he went...I have no more kids at home. Everyone is in school. Sad, happy? Both? I was o.k. until today when I took Caden to school for his second day and he refused to let me walk him in. He told me he didn't want me to and that he could go all by himself. Oh and "Mom, don't call it kindergarten anymore. Just call it school, because it's getting really anoying!" Whatever! He actually tried to get out of the car without a moocher kiss! I had to draw the line...He might get to walk to his class without me but I'll be danged if he's getting away with out some lovin! The little turd. I had to sit there and watch all the other little kindergartners (I am still going to say that word -Ha!) "kindergartners", walking in with their Moms and Dads, holding hands, feeling insecure...I get a "Bye" yelled over his shoulder without even a backwards glance as he jumped out of the car and went running up to the school doors! So what do I say? Yea that he is so secure and independant? Yea that I've raised him to be self sufficient? Or do I cry my eyes out because I am no longer a security blanket but more of a "firm foundation"?! Ugh, this parenting thing is tricky!
Posted by Debra at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Lost Camera and Other Tragedies
Well, I lost my camera. I had it on the 4th of July and took some really fun pictures, but now I can't find it anywhere. I'm thinking that I must have left it at the park where we saw fireworks. We packed up after the show in the dark and must have missed it. I am sad, but I guess I can justify getting a new one now...Thankfully I had just uploaded pics a couple of days before so we didn't lose too many. Mostly just the kids playing and pics of the 4th.
Also, my computer died. Completely crashed! It has been acting naughty lately and finally just went boom. I am so mad I could scream. I called geek support and they said to bring it in (it's under warranty) and they would look at it but based on what I told them, they don't have much hope. So for the time being I have commandeered the lap top.
Tragedy 3, my little five year old neighbor just knocked on my door and handed me a handful of my mail that he had so generously been collecting from my mailbox for the past couple of days. I had wondered at my good fortune of no bills lately. He only took the letters and left the fliers and junk mail! Apparently his Mom found his stash and made him bring them right over! Now I'm wondering if I got it all or if he lost some of it...Frustrating! I'm waiting for Caden's placement letter for kindergarten, all of the other kids have gotten theirs. I wonder if I could get a search warrant for this kids house and property? Stealing mail is after all a federal offense right? But I guess this same kids mom did buy some rocks and lemonade from Cassie the other day when she turned entrepreneur and went door to door sales all over the block. So, fair is fair and I will just move on.
And for the final tragedy, Caden is standing next to me crying because Cassie took a drink of his soda and got girl germs all over it! The nerve! Now he can't possibly drink it because it's completely contaminated! Cassie is just laughing and offering to drink the rest for him if he doesn't want it anymore. So life goes on and I am going to finish up my typing, go upstairs and take some Tylenol for this pounding headache I am rapidly acquiring, and get poor little Cade a new drink, and tell Cassie to stop pestering her little brother, and yell at Coleton to turn off his video games and be the big mean mom who forces her children to clean house and maybe I'll make some dinner (I worked last night so I'm dead on my feet right now) and then perhaps, just maybe, I know I'm pushing it, but maybe we can get through the rest of the night without sibling rivalry, arguments or cooties.
Posted by Debra at 4:57 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Happy 4th of July! I cannot even believe it is July already! This summer is going way too fast. We spent the fourth with Chet and the boys (Julie had to work). We went to Thanksgiving Point and played games and watched the firework show. It was really fun and they had some bigger than life fireworks...seriously, I jumped a few times they were so big and loud. Caden loved them this year, which we were really excited about. In the past he has always hated them.
Coleton's soccer season has officialy started and we are doing three, two hour practices a week! He is also doing scouts and piano every week. He is a happy, busy kid! It's great that he is so busy being constructive that he really has no time to get into trouble...I plan on keeping him in sports and/or music until he is out of highschool! The same with the other kids. It's fun and great exercise, plus they build confidence, skills, and social interaction. Too much free time and not enough structure and supervision makes for some naughty bored kids.
Caden's t-ball season is over and soccer starts in a few weeks. He is really looking forward to it. Nate will be playing on the same team so it should be really fun!
Cassie is doing great on the piano and is starting to improve rapidly. She has come a long way although I don't think she realizes just how far. She gets frustrated and upset, but it pays off in the end when she can play that song she has been working on all month! Cassie also goes to Activity Days every week. She enjoys it and has a lot of fun, but she gets jealous because the boy scouts get to do "funner stuff."
We went up to Spring Hollow on Sunday to play and see the progress. The french drain that we had to put in because of ground water is almost finished. It needs about another foot of gravel. We are almost a month behind schedule now so it's getting scary that we might not get the cabin dried in before winter. Wish us luck.
Posted by Debra at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 29, 2007
Caden's Birthday
My baby is 6! Can you believe it?! Where has the time gone? I spent this whole last week thinking that we have truly entered the next phase of life. No more babies, no more toddlers, no more preschoolers. All my kids will be in school and then what?! What does a mom do with all that time? Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about it all, I just don't know where to even begin! I have so much I want to do for ME; things that have been on hold for a while, it is a little overwhelming! I think this year will be the test run...next year when Cade is in school all day?...That will be the real deal! But for almost three hours every morning Monday through Friday, I will be all alone! Wow! I'm both excited and nervous...
Anyway, back to Cade's b-day. We went and saw Ratatouille today (very cute) and ate at sonic for lunch. We had his favorite dinner -roasted chicken- and then set up his new "big daddy" basketball hoop! He informed us that he had outgrown the little plastic "kid" ones and that he wanted a big basketball hoop AND a basketball for his birthday. He is actually a pretty good shot! Cassie was making most of her shots too! Caden's party is tomorrow morning and he is really, really excited! It's his first friend party!
Coleton gets home from scout camp tomorrow as well and I am counting down the minutes! I have missed him sooo much! I havn't sleep since he left...I guess I'll always worry about my kids. It's what moms do right?!
Oh side note: The other day Cassie was talking about starting cheer lessons and said she couldn't wait for them to begin so that she could start having "attitude"! You should see her demonstrate what she means by attitude! She has the hands on hips, valley girl voice, and the head bobin' around...Awesome!!! I need to get it on video!
Posted by Debra at 11:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Life in Girlyville
What a weekend! Poor Jaclyn had the worst patients (I'm sure she will agree!) I have decided that too many annoying people are having children. Who do they think they are? What do they think they are doing? I mean, stupid people getting pregnant and having babies is sad and tragic...but they are stupid so what do you expect? Aside from mandatory sterilization it's a moot point. But people who are just annoying, whiny, weird, have-done-their-research, or are seriously misdirected -I'm talking about mostly "birth plan" carrying primips here or hypno birthing Yadas...;) are a major strain on the patience of those trying to care for them and to give them the "experience" they want...or think that they want. And what is the deal with having the entire extended family camp out in the waiting room or worse, the pts room! for HOURS and HOURS! Yes, I understand that it is a momentous occasion, but honestly, go home and wait or go out somewhere and do whatever, or most importantly -just go. Come when the baby is actually delivering, or right after, or preferably when Mom is recovered and resting comfortably on MB.
Not all pts are bad and for the most part they are very nice normal people. It's just sad that there are so many screening processes, and background checks, and home evaluations, and credit checks, and psychological exams, and tests, and age limits, and so many other barriers for things in life...but not one dang thing to stop the unfit from creating and raising a new little person! Ok, rant over for now. Comment away, I'm sure you're dying to!
Posted by Debra at 5:48 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
You don't say...
- Coleton and I were having the classic "Trust me Coleton, I know a little more than you do" argument in the car the other day. He sighs and huffs and rolls his eyes at me then coolly comments, "Mom, you might know more about life, but I know more about stuff!" And so it begins, my downward spiral from being the all knowing Mom to the life lecturing know it all that apparently knows nothing Mom.
- Caden was being his cute little self at the store the other day when a woman leans down to him and says "Oh you are so cute, what's your name?" and Caden, without missing a beat looks up at her and says, "My name is Forest, Forest Gump." I thought I was gonna fall over I was laughing so hard!

- You know you've spent too much time in the mountains when you look out the kitchen window and see your five year old drop trouser and pee on a tree in the backyard! When I questioned him on why he didn't come inside and use the toilet he simply said, "Why, there's a tree right here." Duh. So I told him he wasn't allowed to pee on our trees. Two days later I catch him peeing through the fence on the neighbors tree! I guess I should have been more specific!
Posted by Debra at 7:00 PM 2 comments
Summer 2007!
Ahhh, summer!!! I love this time of year! The kids are out of school and life is sweet! We are still busy but in a less "educational" way. Piano, band, scouts, activity days, softball, baseball, soccer, soccer, and more soccer, cheerleading, dance, swimming, and lots and lots of Spring Hollow!
The cabin is finally under construction, and we are blessed and stressed with all the goings on. We have already spent two weekends in the Great Pumpkin (aka the trailer) and will probably go up again this weekend. The kids love being dirty and wild and I love being removed from the responsibility of home, work and all that goes with it! Not that I don't enjoy my "real life" it's just nice to have a break.
- Coleton (12) made his AA soccer try-outs and we are looking forward to starting a new season! Congrats to Coleton! He totally Rocks!
- Cassie (9) has decided to become a cheerleader...We're super excited and she'll have lots of opportunities to practice her routines at all of the boys games! Lessons start in September.
- Caden (5) is playing t-ball and soccer and is anxious for football...Jake is overjoyed! Caden has found his calling in life...Sports!
- Jake is, as always, playing softball. He is also doing a lot of golfing much to his absolute delight and is playing in a tournament in Wyoming fathers day weekend!
Posted by Debra at 4:01 PM 0 comments